The Larimar

Larimar is one of the rare pectolites. It is a blue mineral stone found primarily in the Dominican Republic. Highly sought after in jewelry due to its limited natural production and remarkable blue color, it is symbolically linked to spirit, depth, and emotion. This easily makes it a gem meant to be used in the creation of exceptional jewelry.

Its Etymological Origin

Before arriving on this page, you may have searched for terms like “Caribbean turquoise” or “Dominican turquoise.” Although Larimar can sometimes be mistaken for turquoise, this designation has been prohibited by the decision of the International Confederation of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Pearls, and Stones, known as C.I.B.J.O.

The name of the natural stone Larimar has a more personal and romantic origin than a scientific one. It is believed that “Larimar” is a combination of “Larissa,” the name of the daughter of one of the stone’s discoverers, and “mar,” meaning “sea” in Spanish, in reference to the Caribbean Sea. The term “pectolite,” its generic designation, comes from the Greek “pektos,” meaning “assembled,” with the suffix “-lithe” denoting its relation to stones.

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The History of Larimar fleche_faq | Kalinas Perles

Another Myth Surrounding Larimar fleche_faq | Kalinas Perles

The Formation of Larimar fleche_faq | Kalinas Perles

Properties of Natural Larimar Stones fleche_faq | Kalinas Perles

Cleaning and Purifying Larimar fleche_faq | Kalinas Perles

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